Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rhyming Words

We are also working on rhyming words this week. To help learn about rhyming words I put together a screencast. This screencast will help students learn about rhyming words and show them examples of words that rhyme. Parents, feel free to watch this screecast with your children and practice some rhyming words with them. I have also put some links to some rhyming word games you can play with your children.

Rhyming Words Screencast

PBS Kids Rhyming Game

Rhyming Word Board Game

Rhyming Words Maze Game

What Do We Capitalize?

In class we have been going over what gets a capital letter. Some examples of things we capitalize are names of people, names of places, names of pets, days of the week, months of the year, names of holidays, the letter of the first word of a sentence, and the word I. I made an infograph to help the children visualize and better understand the material.
 Infograph's are a great way to help children visualize and make connections. When they see the pictures along with the words, they can better understand. They are fun and easy to create. And the kids love them!
I am putting the link on here to Piktochart so you can try it out.